clear braces
Clear Braces | Baytown

Clearly Comfortable Braces

Johnston Orthodontics offers clear braces crafted from a durable ceramic material that seamlessly matches the shade of your natural teeth — so you get a low-profile treatment that’s much less obvious than traditional braces.

All About Clear Braces

Clear braces offer a discreet solution to refine your smile. They work similarly to traditional metal braces. But they use transparent ceramic brackets that match the natural color of your teeth.

What They're Made Of

Clear braces from our Baytown location are crafted from a nearly invisible polycrystalline ceramic that combines strength with aesthetic appeal.

The brackets don't vanish entirely. But their subtle appearance seamlessly complements your natural smile — a far cry from traditional metal braces.

Clearly Customizable

While many patients appreciate the discreet nature of ceramic braces, if you crave a splash of color, you may enjoy this trendy twist: Some teens and adults opt for vibrant ligature ties that contrast brilliantly against the clear brackets.

The Best Way to Blend In

Ceramic brackets offer a subtle approach to enhancing your smile, especially when combined with clear or tooth-colored wires and ties. They're a popular choice among adults and style-conscious teens seeking a discreet solution.

For those who prefer a low-maintenance aesthetic option without the responsibility of removable aligners, ceramic braces are an ideal fit.

How They Work

Clear braces operate on the same principle as traditional metal braces by using gentle pressure to shift teeth into their desired positions. The primary difference lies in their discreet ceramic brackets, which are designed to match the shade of your teeth.

braces treatment baytown tx

Clear Vs. Metal Braces

A Clearer View of Ceramic Braces

Exploring orthodontics means understanding the nuances of each treatment option. Learn what distinguishes clear braces from their traditional counterparts.

How They Look

You can't overlook metal braces — but clear braces subtly blend into the background of your smile. With their transparent ceramic brackets, they meld with your teeth's shade and remain a favorite among adults and professionals seeking a low-profile alternative.

Strength Behind Every Smile

Conventional braces are incredibly durable and can stand up to daily wear and tear. On the other hand, ceramic clear braces are also resilient but may require more delicate attention to avoid potential damage.

Length & Treatment

Both metal and clear braces excel at fixing misaligned teeth. But thanks to the metal brackets' ability to handle more pressure, you might see faster results than with clear braces.

Cost Comparison

Your treatment duration and the complexity of your orthodontic issues will figure significantly into the cost of your orthodontic treatment. Typically, clear braces carry a higher price tag than metal ones — a nod to their aesthetic appeal and the premium ceramic material involved.

Full Customization

Both clear and metal braces offer a dash of personal flair with lively elastics. Though clear braces are geared toward discretion, they can also make a statement. While we usually pair them with clear elastics for a muted look, feel free to liven things up with a burst of color.

orthodontic office baytown tx

Why Choose Clear Braces?

Clear braces blend the power of traditional braces with the discretion of clear aligners. Explore the advantages of choosing ceramic braces for your smile transformation:

Low-Profile Design

Clear braces shine with their subtle design. They let you embrace orthodontic treatment without the flash of metal brackets — which makes them a favorite for adults and teens seeking a more discreet orthodontic touch.

Versatility & Efficiency

Just like metal braces, clear braces tackle orthodontic challenges head-on. Whether it's crowded teeth or bite concerns, they manage it all, making your smile effortlessly genuine.

Easy Maintenance

Clear braces are designed to resist stains and discoloration. With consistent cleaning, they retain their clarity throughout treatment, giving you a seamless orthodontic experience.

Perfectly Contoured

Clear braces have a sleek design. You'll experience a cozy fit that often surpasses their metal counterparts. Their contoured edges reduce potential mouth discomfort, making your orthodontic journey smoother and easier.

Refined Resilience

Don't let their clarity catch you off guard. These braces boast a robust ceramic build. At Johnston Orthodontics, we engineer them to endure the demands of orthodontic adjustments, guaranteeing their prime condition from start to finish.

Personalized for You

Are you looking for a splash of color? Spice up your clear braces with vibrant elastics. They let you play with style while still embracing the subtlety of your treatment.

Is the Clear Choice the Best Choice for You?

Considering a discreet path to a straighter smile? Clear braces might be your answer. They provide a low-key alternative to orthodontic treatment, but they're more suited for particular dental concerns. Let's see if they're right for you.

Trust the Pros

Your journey kicks off with insights from an experienced orthodontist. Dr. Johnston will assess your unique orthodontic situation, daily habits, and smile goals to suggest the ideal treatment tailored for you.

The Clear 411

Clear braces are a top pick for those wanting a less obvious treatment. They're perfect for busy professionals or adults looking into orthodontic care.

But for more intricate orthodontic needs, another option might be the ticket. Don't sweat it — Dr. Johnston will work with you to pinpoint the ideal approach for your unique smile.

Ignite Your New Smile

Schedule a free consultation with Dr. Johnston at Johnston Orthodontics in Baytown to determine if ceramic braces are right for you.